
  • Mahliyo Jumaboyeva Ranch texnologiya universiteti “Pedagogika va aniq fanlar” kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi


o‘qish motivi, motivatsiya, faoliyat, rivojlanish


Maqolada talabalarda o‘qish motivlari namoyon bo‘lishining o‘ziga xos psixologik xususiyatlari o‘rganishga doir nazariy yondashuvlarning ahamiyati va  o‘quv motivi va uni shakllantirishning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari va shakllanish bosqichlari, o‘quv motivlarining namoyon bo‘lishi uchun  zarur bo‘lgan shart-sharoitlari, o‘quv jarayonini to‘g‘ri tashkil etish orqali talabalardagi o‘qish motivlari rivojlantirish shuningdek, talabalar o‘rtasidagi o‘qish motivlarining rivojlanish dinamikasi haqidagi fikrlari yoritilgan.


1. Mayer J.D., Faber M.A., Xu X. Seventy-five years of motivation measures (1930—2005) : A descriptive analysis // Motivation and Emotion. 2007. Vol. 31. № 2. P. 83—103.

2. Deci E. L., Ryan R. M. Handbook of self-determination research. University Rochester Press, 2002.

3. Graham S., Weiner B. Theories and principles of motivation // Handbook of educational psychology. 1996. Vol. 4. P. 63—84.

4. Kaplan A., Maehr M. L. The Contributions and prospects of goal orientation theory // Educational psychology review. 2007. Vol. 19. № 2. P. 141—184

5. Weiner B. Intrapersonal and interpersonal theories of motivation from an attribution perspective // Student Motivation. Springer US, 2001. P. 17—30.

6. Covington M. V. Goal theory, motivation, and school achievement : an integrative review // Annual review of psychology. 2000. Vol. 51. № 1. P. 171—200.

7. Pintrich P. R. An achievement goal theory perspective on issues in motivation terminology, theory, and research // Contemporary educational psychology. 2000. Vol. 25. № 1. P. 92—104.

8. Wolters C. A. Advancing achievement goal theory: using goal structures and goal orientations to predict students’ motivation, cognition, and achievement // Journal of educational psychology. 2004. Vol. 96. P. 236—250.

9. Elliot A. J., Thrash T. M. Achievement goals and the hierarchical model of achievement motivation // Educational Psychology Review. 2001. Vol. 13. № 2. P. 139—156.




How to Cite

TA’LIM MOTIVINI O‘RGANISHDA NAZARIY YONDASHUVLARNING AHAMIYATI. (2024). PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS OF SCIENTIFIC AND INNOVATIVE RESEARCH, 1(6), 222-226. https://universalconference.us/universalconference/index.php/pssir/article/view/2778