Alkogolizm va giyohvandlik


  • Abduhalilova Mohigul Qobiljon qizi Akusherlik va ginekologiya moduli o’qituvchilari
  • Tojaliyeva Mohisanam Alisher qizi Fizioterapiya va massaj moduli o’qituvchisi
  • Turg’unova Dilshoda Donyorjon qizi Favqulotda holatlar tibbiyoti moduli o’qituvchisi


clinic, etiology, alcoholic delirium, alcoholic psychoses, hallucination, levels of intoxication, adaptation, drug addiction, mental tendency, polynarcotics


Alcoholism is a chronic disease caused by constant alcohol consumption, which is accompanied by changes in the internal organs and systems of the body, specific mental disorders, and the development of addiction to alcohol. In the social sense, alcoholism means drinking excessive alcohol that harms the well-being of society and the criminal situation, people's health, life, and work. Mental disorders include a pathological tendency to alcohol, dependence, the emergence of hangover syndrome, signs of drunkenness, changes in endurance (the body's resistance to ethanol) and a person's personality.

It is manifested by the development of changes. Cardiovascular, nervous system, all internal organs and brain diseases in alcoholism

development is of great importance.


Bemorlarni uyda va shifoxonada parvarish qilish. O’zbekiston milliy ensiklopediyasi – F.G’Nazirov taxriri ostida, tarjimon A.G.Gadoev, G.S.Oripova 2014

.A. Toshmatov, Sh.Sh. Magzumova, N.S. Bulicheva, N.B. Usmanova “Psixiatriya va narkalogiyada hamshiralik ishi

Gavenko V.A. Kojina Narkomaniya -o’quv qo’llanma Rostov-na-Donu “Feniks”2003

Samoxvalov R.V Psixiatreiya o’quv qo’llanma Rostov-na-Donu “Feniks”2003

E.S.Mahmudov N.B.Nabiyev Narkologik kasalliklar




How to Cite

Alkogolizm va giyohvandlik. (2024). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEDICINE, SCIENCE, AND EDUCATION, 1(1), 264-267.