Teaching essay writing to students in foreign language classes


  • Turgunova Shakhnoza Tursunbayevna Senior teacher of English, UzSWLU


written communication, productive skills, language skills, task-related skills, approaches to writing


The article focuses on the fact that with the renewal of educational programs in higher education in the context of modernization, students are increasingly involved in research work, participation in various international examinations in English. The article deals with the process of students' preparation for essay writing in foreign language classes. There are many effective teaching methods and means to develop and improve the learners’ essay writing skills. They are structured taking into account interdisciplinary links and are aimed to prepare students for essay writing. So, this article will introduce a brief and clear guidelines and recommendations, as well as clichés for a proper essay writing.


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Galskova N.D. Modern methodology for teaching foreign languages. – M., 2000. – 420 p.

Komarov A.S. Guide To Writing Essays in English. Textbook / A Guide To Successful Essay Writing. – M., 2018. – P. 152.

Selyantseva N.V.: USE. English Language. Essay: topics and arguments. Writing: topics and structure. – M., 2019. – P. 560.

Yagudena A.R. Secrets of English essay writing. Tips from an expert. – M., 2020. – P. 254.




How to Cite

Teaching essay writing to students in foreign language classes. (2024). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEDICINE, SCIENCE, AND EDUCATION, 1(1), 206-210. https://universalconference.us/universalconference/index.php/icmse/article/view/287