Terminal holatdagi bemorlarga yordam ko’rsatish
terminal state, agony, respiratory methods, a deficit, administrative approach, rhythmic pressure, external respiratory, artificial, poisoning, faintness, fainty, injuryAbstract
The terminal state is the last fading period of the body life, the biological death is a situation. In case of biological death, changes in the organs and tissues, first of all, are changes in which the central nervous system are restored. Therefore, in the biological mortality, it is possible to recover the body's life. The cause of terminal cases is diverse, most of which a reason itself can lead to breathing and heart ache, in some cases the activities of one of them stop. Therefore, the stop of breathing or circulatory stops for a specific period of time and primarily resuscitation procedures should be carried out, which has yet to improve the respiratory care and the lack of protection of protectionReferences
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How to Cite
Terminal holatdagi bemorlarga yordam ko’rsatish. (2024). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE, 1(1), 169-172. https://universalconference.us/universalconference/index.php/icms/article/view/142