
  • Sevinch Nozimova Student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
  • Nilufar Zubaydova Teacher of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages


Use grammar guides, online exercises, or apps like Grammarly to work on specific areas, such as punctuation, tense consistency, and sentence structure.


The writing skills are more important in English not only English but also improve your progress with reading. Reading exposes learners to different ideas and concepts. In addition, when you use some methods for improve Writing skills you can use some of the difficult tools to use correct sentence structures in writing. Writing in various formats – such as descriptive essays, persuasive articles, narratives, and reports. This will sharpen different writing skills.


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3. Brown, Patricia. The Power of Reading: Building Vocabulary and Comprehension. Oxford University Press, 2020. 600 pages.

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How to Cite

ENHANCING WRITING SKILLS IN ENGLISH. (2024). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE, 1(11), 18-21. https://universalconference.us/universalconference/index.php/icms/article/view/2790