Ratsional ovqatlanishni tashkil etish


  • Abdurahmonova Barnoxon Jamoliddin qizi Rishton Abu Ali ibn Sino nomdagi jamoat salomatligi texnikumi katta o’qituvchisi
  • Abduraximova Maftuna Madaminjon qizi Rishton Abu Ali ibn Sino nomdagi jamoat salomatligi texnikumi katta o’qituvchisi
  • G’aniyeva Hojiraxon Abdusattor qizi Rishton Abu Ali ibn Sino nomdagi jamoat salomatligi texnikumi o’qituvchisi


rational meals, healthy lifestyles, healthy lifestyles, nutrients, proteins, fat carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins


Nutrition is one of the important factors that have a significant impact on health status, labor and influence of the external environment. It is said that Hippocrates said, "Rational meals must be food and medicine. The normal growth, development, healthy, and obesity to prevent diseases, Heart-viticulture, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer shall be prevented


"Diyetologiya",B.M Saidov. Toshkent -2008 yil

"Ovqatlanish gigiyenasi" G.Shayxova .Toshkent -2014 yil

"Sog'lom ovqatlanish" monografiya

K.S.Inamov "Hamshiralik ishi asoslari" Toshkent . 2010 yil.

X.I.Shukurova, S.Qanoatov "Jamoada xamshiralik ishi" Toshkent, 2010 yil

www. med.uz 7.www.lex.uz 8.www.wikipedia.uz




How to Cite

Ratsional ovqatlanishni tashkil etish. (2024). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANALYSIS OF MATHEMATICS AND EXACT SCIENCES, 1(1), 35-38. https://universalconference.us/universalconference/index.php/icames/article/view/139