The Effect of Adding Some Chemical Materials on The Water
- water powder ratio, dental stone, plaster, Elite, ZetaAbstract
The aims: To determine the effect of some chemical materials on the
water powder ratio of dental stone. Material and Methods: Three types of chemical
materials (rosin, nigella stavia oil and sodium lauryl sulfate) were incorporated into
three kinds of type III dental stone (Zeta, Elite and Dental stone) at four
concentrations (0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%). The collected data of water powder ratio
were subjected to the descriptive analysis (mean and stander deviation), student T
test (to evaluate the difference between standard and experimental groups) and
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (to show if there are significant
differences among experimental groups). Results: Revealed that the incorporation
of these chemical materials into each type of dental stone resulted in changing their
evaluated water powder ratio; this change varies with the type, concentration of the
added chemical material and type of dental stone being used. Conclusion: The most
pronounced effect of the chemical additives that used in this study on the water
powder ratio of the experimental dental stones was achieved with the addition of
sodium lauryl sulfate.
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