Theoretical foundations of the level of water resource availability. Factors implemented to save water


  • Saukhanov Janibek Kazievich Professor of the Department of Economics, Karakalpak State University
  • Amanbaev Amanali Orazbaevich Applicant for the Department of Economics, Karakalpak State University


The use of water resources in large quantities and on a scale has led to a change in existing relationships in nature and the national economic system. These changes affected the interests of many sectors of the national economy and entailed, along with positive consequences, negative consequences. If we consider the entire water management system as a single complex and take into account changes in existing natural conditions, then, based on long-term forecasting of requirements for water management, it is possible to achieve the invisibility of negative consequences, the quantity and quality of water in various sectors of the national economy


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How to Cite

Theoretical foundations of the level of water resource availability. Factors implemented to save water. (2024). CONFERENCE ON THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF SCIENCE IN THE MODERN WORLD, 1(2), 77-80.