The prognostic value of determining the deficiency of iron, zinc and copper in the development of the chronic kidney disease


  • Radjabov N.M. Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Chronic kidney disease, trace elements, cardiorenal continuum, diabetes mellitius.


In recent years, when talking about comorbidity, the most discussed area in the field of internal medicine is the cardiorenal continuum. Cardiovascular diseases, obesity, type II diabetes and renal dysfunction are becoming more and more pandemics of the 21st century. In recent years, the main cause of kidney dysfunction is not its primary disease, but hypertension, that is, essential arterial hypertension  and diabetes.

Earlier detection of changes in podocytes and nephropathy makes it possible to diagnose and stop the process of kidney damage before the appearance of clinical signs.


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How to Cite

The prognostic value of determining the deficiency of iron, zinc and copper in the development of the chronic kidney disease. (2024). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NATURAL AND SOCIAL-HUMANITARIAN SCIENCES, 1(1), 27-32.