Published November 8, 2024 | Version v1
Conference paper Open


  • 1. Assistant of Karakalpak State University named after Berdak


This article presents the results of research on the effect of irrigation methods on the yield of green mass of corn varieties "Uzbekistan-601 ESV", "Karasuv-350 AMV" and "Uzbekistan-300 MV" grown as main and repeated crops in the conditions of moderately saline, meadow-alluvial soils of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. According to the results of the research, in the conditions of moderately saline, meadow-alluvial soils of the southern Aral Sea region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the variety of corn "Uzbekistan-300 MV" was grown with a soil moisture of 70-70-60% before irrigation, in the main crop in the 1-2-0 irrigation system, repeated crop as 0-1-0 system irrigation was found to be acceptable. Then, the highest green mass was 93.9 c/ha in the average 3 years (after grain harvesting) when grown as a main crop, and 36.0 c/ha in repeated crop.


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  • 2. Ishmetov S.S., Abdiev F.R. Grain and Green Mass Yield of Corn. *Bulletin of the Khorezm Mamun Academy*. – 6-1/2023. – pp. 214-217. (Ишметов С.С., Абдиев Ф.Р. Маккажўхорининг дон ва яшил масса ҳосилдорлиги. Xorazm ma'mun akademiyasi axborotnomаsi.–6-1/2023. - Б. 214-217.)
  • 3. Methods for Conducting Field Experiments. – Tashkent: UzPITI, 2007. – 148 pages. (Дала тажрибаларини ўтказиш услублари,-Тошкент ЎзПИТИ, 2007, 148 б.)
  • 4. Methodology of State Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops. // Edited by M.A. Fedin. – Moscow: Gosagroprom USSR, 1985. – 269 p. (Методика государственного сортоиспытания сельскохозяйственных культур. // под ред. М.А.Федина. –М.: Госагропром СССР, 1985 г, -269 с.)
  • 5. Kunnazarov U.B., Kunnazarova K.J. Influence of agrochemical properties on growth and development of corn plant, International Scientific Journal ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science Philadelphia, USA issue 07, volume 99 published July 30, 2021 Б. 130-133.
  • 6. Kunnazarov U.B., Shamuratova G., Tokhirov A.O. On the Medicinal Properties of Corn. *Theory and Practice of Modern Science*, Issue No. 6(36) (June, 2018), pp. 369-371. (Кунназаров У.Б., Шамуратова Г., Тохиров А.О. О лекарственном свойстве кукурузы. Теория и практика современной науки Выпуск № 6(36) (июнь, 2018). 369-371 с.)